Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I always freeze rhubarb for pies through out the year. They are usually a big hit at Thanksgiving or Christmas dinners or rhubarb bread anytime. But I have always blanched it and then sealed it in freezer bags. So when I was recipe surfing on the internet, I ran across a site that said blanching is not necessary (much more work and makes rhubarb mushy). So I thought I would try it!
Instructions were clean rhubarb and cut into pieces. Put on cookie sheet (I put a plastic cutting sheet on a jelly roll pan. This made it easier to loosen pieces.) IQF Individually Quick Frozen.
When this was completely frozen, I broke up the pieces and poured them in freezer bags in the amounts for one pie. That way it is already measured. YUM!!!


  1. My newly transplanted rhubarb plants are looking grand, next year, it will be pies!!!

    Someday you and I will drive to Cathie's cottage and have a visit...you will love her too...

  2. That's how i do my rhubarb. It turns out scrumious. I'm working on cherries. same process. Do stop by with sharon, i'd love to meet you. Seeing all your mosaics, has got me going on one. Large and complicated.

  3. YUM!!! Sad the rhubarb doesn't last long, but oh my gosh I love the pie!!!
