Thursday, December 9, 2010


Today my DH (dear hubby) and I celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary. Last year on this blog, I put up pictures and took time to write a nice piece about how wonderful our wedding was. I'm honestly just not feeling it today! Got too many things going on.... Oh, I still love him the same and everything is honestly wonderful (couldn't be any better!!!) but just not feeling the 1 1/2 hrs. it seems to take to download pics and all the blah, blah, blah...
Hubby is actually hauling beans today and I have a list a mile long of stuff to do....
So please go to my 2009 post and know that I am truely a blessed person to have this other person in my life.... love ya all....


  1. Happy Anniversary. I agree with you on posting all that again. I am feeling the same way with my Christmas decorations. They look the same way as last year! You are blessed.

  2. Some years we just have to mark the day in our ordinary ways - but it doesn't make them less special!
